Was ist das Beste Koifutter?

What's the best koi food?

Finding the best koi food is like finding the Holy Grail. Maybe you can find him?

We at DAS KOIFUTTER firmly believe that there are many good koi foods on the market. However, we do not want to advertise with a statement that cannot be substantiated without well-founded research. Above all, we do not use any scientific studies that cannot be transferred to the reality of our koi ponds. We therefore approach the matter very soberly.

Above all, good koi food should be able to do the following: Your koi should like to eat it, they should grow from it, remain vital and it should not color the water. DAS KOIFUTTER has proven all of these properties. And when all of these criteria are met, there is only one thing left. And this is exactly where DAS KOIFUTTER stands out from other brands. Without large margins, expensive high-gloss packaging or other price drivers, we pass this price advantage on to you directly. DAS KOIFUTTER has an absolutely unbeatable price-performance ratio, which makes it stand out from the crowd. We don't say it's the best, but we are sure that at this price, there is nothing better on the market!

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